Bodor Music Well on the Margaret Island

Margaret Island Budapest Bodor Music Well Summer
Margaret Island Budapest Bodor Music Well Summer

Visit the Bodor Music Well on the Margaret Island to enjoy some of the authentic street music of the past centuries every hour.

Margaret Island has 2 musical fountains, the Bodor Music Well is located in the North part of the island, close to Árpád Bridge.

Margaret Island Budapest Bodor Music Well
Margaret Island Budapest Bodor Music Well

Bodor Music Well was named after a Transylvanian handyman, Péter Bodor, the fountain on Margaret Island is the duplicate of the fountain built by him in Marosvásárhely between 1820 and 1822. The original well was destroyed by a  snowstorm in 1836 and it was rebuilt by György Páll és Gyula Jankó a century later on the Margaret Island (1935-1936).

The well has been renewed last time in 2014 along with the Japanese Garden.

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